
Saturday, September 29, 2012

Health Sciences - Applications of Nanotechnology in Health Sciences

Health sciences 
Nanotechnology is the science of the small, although the subject area is not small but too vast and interesting. Nanotechnology deals with small, very small structures, usually less than 100 nanometers in diameter. A nanometer is one billionth of a meter. Materials of this size have some unique properties that can be explored for many applications, such as nanomedicine.

Nanomedicine is one of the emerging sectors under nanotechnology. By using nanomedicine, it would become possible to repair damaged human tissues, say the scientists working on this specialized technology. It would also be possible to grow human tissues using nanomedicine. This implies that it would be possible to grow a new liver or a new heart or any other organ and replace the damaged organ, they claim following extensive research work done in this field. This is also an application of the stem cells. nanomedicine has implications in curing diseases like AIDS, alzheimer's, cardiovascular diseases etc.

The idea on which the nanomedicine works is that it creates nano bots (extremely small vehicles used for carrying treatment) which can be injected in the human body. After being injected, these nano bots go to the affected cancerous tissue and give out specific small bouts of radiation to those tissues which could avoid the unpleasant side effects of chemotherapy or radiation therapy. Neuroscientists are developing nano-particles to cross the blood-brain barrier which has potential in treating brain tumors in the near future. NASA is also doing substantial research on nanomedicine and its application in space medicine. When a cell is damaged by radiation, it exhibits different proteins on its surface. The nano bots would be able to detect such proteins and repair the cell possibly by giving it antioxidants. These type of various applications and ongoing research work show that the area of nanotechnology is very vast and emerging steadily.

Thus, nanomedicine has all the potentials to revolutionize the world of medicine. It would be possible to cure presently incurable diseases and help in preventive medicine as well, believe the scientists. Nanomedicine as it is being portrayed would definitely help in increasing life spans of human beings, promoting healthier lives and enriching the world through health and vitality. 

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Holistic Health, Oriential Med, Hypnotherapy

            Health matters..and so is the holistic health sector as profession

The part can never be well unless the whole is well - a concept spoken by the great Greek philosopher Plato about 2300 years ago serves as the basis of holistic healthcare practices. The history of holistic healthcare treatments dates back to more than 5,000 years ago and it was originated in China. Even though some advancement in scientific medicines made the society to forget about the holistic concepts in 20th century, the after effects of modern medicine and several chronic conditions made them turn back to holistic healing. So nowadays, alternative medical treatments are gaining wide attention in the country, which offers relaxation and rejuvenating effect for individuals. In holistic health practices, human body is considered as an interconnected system. Any slight defect in this whole system can cause both physical and mental imbalances. Natural healing strategies used in holistic treatment deals with the emotional, psychological, physical and spiritual aspects of a person.

According to the report of Center for Disease Control and Prevention, the key factors influencing an individual's state of health have not changed significantly over the past 20 years. Quality of medical care is only 10%. Heredity accounts for 18% and environment is 19%. Everyday lifestyle choices are 53%. The decisions people make about their life and habits are, therefore, by far the largest factor in determining their state of wellness. In this context, most of individuals will approach holistic health practitioners to find great relief, which in turn will create new job openings. If you are interested to build a career in these natural healing practices, then study programs offered in different holistic health programs can help you. Some of the specialization or major options include acupuncture, herbal medicine, nutritional counseling, reflexology, traditional Chinese medicines, hypnotherapy, oriental medicine, metaphysics, etc. Along with focusing on the medical aspects, the academic curriculum covers philosophical and spiritual facts that have a great relation with human mind and soul. All programs mainly focus on helping the people to adapt a lifestyle that focuses on greater health and well-being. Be the part of this exciting profession and help others to live a healthy life through a healing touch. 

For more Information On Holistic Health, Oriential Med, Hypnotheraphy,

Health Care and Medical Services - Choose a Lucrative Field in the Healthcare Industry

Health care & Medical services 
Choosing a right career path is an important step in one's life. So it is very necessary to think not only twice but also many times before you choose major. According to the U.S Department of Labor most of the high paying jobs were in medical field. Covering all the areas of medical and science field which is dedicated to the needs of public life have a vast variety of specializations and supporting vocations. World population is increasing tremendously and also the emerging diseases and health issues. Every individual wants to live healthy and so that only the accesses to health care have increased which always maintain the field high in demand. Some of the most lucrative options observed in recent times have been mentioned as follows. Surgeons have been paid highest amount $181,850 and rank first among the top paid jobs in United States. The other professions such as anesthesiologist are earning $174,610, Orthodontist earns $153,380 and psychiatrists are paid an amount of $151,380.Even the general practitioners and physicians earns an amount of $137,100. 

A career in the medical field gives you self satisfaction and exciting opportunities to serve the health of the public. The extensive field of health care ranging from diagnostic services to surgery, nursing care and numerous other services requires strong sense of ethics and empathy. Specific knowledge with great attention to the details is important for the medical professionals. Some of the options that you can choose in the health services apart from joining a medical school include addiction worker, clinical medical assistant , laboratory technician, nutritionist, x-ray technician etc. Enrolling into a medical school requires four year degree from an accredited university with very specific knowledge preferably in biology or other sciences along with a score in MCAT (Medical College Admission Test).

The academic program along with the discovery and dissemination of new knowledge helps students in their research and service and is dedicated to a lifelong learning and sustained commitment to human service. The recent trend of online education has also hit the health care field and thereby making the galaxy of opportunities more accessible. As the field is full of research and development a medical professional should always stay up to date in their knowledge with great communication and problem solving skills.

For More Information On Health Care and Medical Services,

Friday, September 28, 2012

Race to the Top - Education Administrators

Education administration involves the administration and organization of an educational institution to ensure it's smooth running. While the services of education administrators are used by higher educational or further educational institutions, these skills are beginning to be used in other educational areas as well.

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The Next Generation of Educational Leadership

Educational leaders are experienced faculty members who take on a variety of roles in the sphere of education such as direct departments, lead boards and committees, and provide accountability and leadership to the other teachers in an educational institution.

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Discover Your Adventure! Curriculum and Instruction

Curriculum and instruction is a field within education which focuses on research, development and implementation of curriculum that increases student's achievement within and outside of schools. Most educators feel a constant need to improve the mode of education and curriculum taught in schools.

A curriculum and instruction specialists is an advanced career in education. Improvements are made in curriculum through research and development and testing of new methods and technologies.

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Thursday, September 27, 2012

Portraits of Success With Bilingual Programs

Bilingual education involves teaching academic content in two languages, in a native and secondary language with varying amounts of each language used in accordance with the program model.

Once they are confident and are fairly proficient in the other language(English), they can continue their education with their English speaking peers. Bilingual teachers are also called TESOL teachers, which means Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages.

For More Information On Bilinguals/TESOL,

The Complete Wine Course

Wine studies is related to bartenders who work in bars providing alcoholic and also at times non-alcoholic beverages to the people and also serving wine to various customers during the bar hours.

This profession also involves a very disciplined approach for the aspiring candidate as the profession gives one a lot of free-hand in handling alcohol and people, some of whom at times may even lose their senses being intoxicated.

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Product Design - Let Everyday's World Look Better and Attractive: Designing as a Profession

The computer screen on which you are reading this has been on for the last one hour? That mouse you use to navigate your cursor fits your palm and performs movements precisely as you move it around? Or maybe you're using a phone and browsing this site online? You play online games with players from across the world using joysticks and a video game box. You've used a can opener to open that can of spaghetti last night. The computer monitor, the mouse, joystick, video games boxes and can opener are all examples of good product design. The computer monitor has been ergonomically designed to provide hours of stress free reading and viewing pleasure. If you are excited about designing different kinds of consumer and industrial products you've come to the right place. You can choose from campus courses and online courses. Depending on your educational qualifications you can start at a bachelor's, master's or doctorate degree program.

The field of industrial and product design is a combination of many different disciplines of study. You will need to apply principles from mathematics, physics, chemistry, manufacturing processes, materials and computer aided design/drawing. You will study the non technical aspects of good product design like cultural and social context. You will undergo training in computer aided design, creating prototypes, performing tests and iterating your design to combine the right elements from different prototypes.

You will work in different conditions depending on the context of the industry, business you are employed with. You will work at various stages of product design like visualization, CAD drawings, planning for manufacturing and cost analysis. At all times you will be combining one or more aspects of good industrial and product design. You will address issues of user interaction with your product, shape, color, weight, ergonomic factors, manufacturing and production of the product. According to your interests and skills you will choose to specialize in different kinds of designs like medical equipment, electronic equipment, industrial equipments etc. You will find that there are many companies and organizations that hire industrial and product designers ranging from small manufacturing units to corporations with offices across the globe. Initially you will work in a team under supervision. Most industrial and product designers work with several different departments within their organization ranging from material procurement to the workshop. Effective communication skills and teamwork are very essential when interacting with customers and colleagues.

Consumers today demand functional and stylish products ranging from cell phones to the microwave in the kitchen. Competition demands that innovation and style be incorporated when designing products for the future. You will find ample opportunities to learn explore and execute designs for products ranging from tooth brush to elevators.

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Set and Exhibit Designers - Strike the Synergy Between Glamor and Design:Make it Look Better

Drama is an artistic manifestation and live performance in front of an audience of a fiction or nonfiction story. Stagecraft is concerned with the technical aspects of theater, film and video production and stage management. Behind the successful production of a movie or a drama, there is a lot of teamwork and hard work. There are several set of professionals who work behind the scenes for successful release of a visual art. Actors, producers, directors, set and exhibit designers, stage craft professionals, technical team and many other people work as a team to make a film or theatre art a huge success.

Do you have a great passion of acting? Is it your dream to be on big screens before large number of audience? If you have talent and a hardworking mind, then you can choose acting career. Acting is a talent more than an art; you can't learn it from any academic program. But you can discover your acting talent and add some professional touch to that. There are so many acting schools or arts schools across the country that offers degree programs in acting. You should be expressive enough to build a connection with the audience. Emotions and feelings that you can convey through body languages and facial expressions should catch the attention of people. It is not easy to get a start in film industry, you have to try much harder and attend so many auditions. You can even work in theatre arts such as drama and play that can provide you a stage experience. As an actor, may be you have to wait for many long years to get that big break. It is a career that needs constant hard work to reach the heights.

Film and drama industry is a platform where different artists with different and unique talents meet. So behind the casting, dialogues and the overall feel of the film or play, there lies the effective planning of a director. Without proper direction and sufficient amount of budget, no movies can be made. Financial investments, promotional activities, music launch and several activities are managed by producers. On the other hand, a director is the master brain behind the production of these visual treats.Selecting the right technical team, discussing the story plot with the whole team and turning actors to those written characters are some of their job responsibilities.

Whenever we watch a movie, the background sceneries set in the films catch most eye sights in theaters. Most of them appear to be real places and buildings, while they won't be. It is artistic creativity of set and exhibit designers. What about a career in this field? Only thing you require is an academic degree and brain with some brilliant ideas. They have to make some structures that suit the story plot. Since various types of sets are required in different settings, they can find career options in film productions, event management companies, exhibitors etc. Set and exhibit designers try to create some unique designs that match up with the client's or director's expectations and requirements.

Now it is time to make your choice, because options are many. Choose the right career that matches with not only with your interests but also with your skills and talents.

For more Information On Set and Exhibit Designers,